March 22, 2011

In dancing with mother nature, it's the dance that matters


    One of the joys of gardening for me is that you are never done;
 Unlike landscaping, which will be finished when the last plant or sprinkler is installed, a garden is a an ever changing evolution of a space or environment, and a participatory sport.  
   When I was a boy, building a club house was a fun time.  Using whatever you could get your hands on, straightening nails, gleaning boards, designing, building,etc......but upon completion, a fleeting sense of satisfaction, and then the fun was gone, because sitting in the finished product was boring!
    So I enjoy that a garden is ever changing, always surprising, and never "done".  Landscaping is easy by comparison ( I do this , as well ).  Gardening is more multidimensional and would look a mess on paper, having infinite overlays and instructions.  Most would be intimidated by, and shy away from such a complex proposal!
     Now, that stated, one of the infuriating things about gardening is that you are collaborating with an unseen and very temperamental partner. One who can  get " in a mood" and trash the place in any number of ways, and if you find yourself being inflexible, you'll throw in your trowel.  She's either early or late, rarely on time, and often makes a scene upon arrival and or departure.  Her kiss can be warm and sweet and her slap so cold and stinging.
    My place has been cleaned and trashed a few times already since January and I am feeling a little burnt, so I had to sit and remind myself: it is the process not the product that matters.  
       Depending on you, her, and me, the best viewing for our garden will be from mid April thru the end of  May, (meaning, the most flowers blooming at any one time.)  but as always, there are different things blooming all the year round!!  You are welcome anytime of year; just call ahead.     P.S. I will be sharing pics here if you are not able to make it up.       D Ü 

March 16, 2011

Four days until spring and She'd better hurry,

Primula 'Gold Lace'.

Leucadendron over Agave

Nolina La Siberica

Hellebores, they keep going and going...........

Fritillaria meleagris
(Snake's Head Fritillary)

 Muscari - macrocarpum 'Golden Fragrance
smells so yummy

Melianthus m. (Honey bush) bud

Berberis darwinii

Asarum Ling Ling - Panda faced ginger

euphorbia wulfenii
a Green flower for Saint Patrick's Day

Podophyllum "Panda"

podophyllum kaleidoscope

 Leopard's Bane (Doronicum)

Hepatica nobilis hybrid

Hepatica nobilis hybrid

Saxifraga stolonifera


arisaema taiwanense

  California Fawn Lily - Erythronium ...


Some years she's early,( 3weeks of 70s in Feb.) this year she's lagging behind, being stubborn, draggin her feet, and there's nothing I can do about it. (Grrrrrr) With the snow on everything for a week, growth went into a holding pattern and there's been no really warm weather since then to snap up the sap! So as I went out to shoot some pics today it was less than overwhelming. still, I did get a few shots to share so  HERE YA BE, THE BLOOMIN PRETTIES!  (Happy St Pat's Day)

March 5, 2011

My sap is flowing, and it feels so good!

Sometimes I really feel like my blood is green. On cold winter days, plants sit still, not much growth, just maintaining, waiting.   Then with the lengthening of  the days and the slight warming of the soil, the sap starts to move and growth is inevitable!  We had a warm spell in Jan,(sucker spring) then the cold set in. 3/5 Just today I felt my sap start flowing and growth is inevitable!! boy what a great feeling!!    One of the reasons I named My Business Spring Fever was because of this feeling of bonding with nature and the overwhelming joy of the miracle of life! That feeling that you must go forth and plant! or the amazement of  wildflowers wishing you could create what only nature can.
 Had a great day at market, today, we recognise each other, those of us with green blood and with a look we understand. Here's wishing you a creative, bountiful, and joyous spring, may it linger into summer and fall  and in your heart and blood.