April 20, 2011

It's the most wonderful time of the year!!

  Neither words nor pictures can describe, the sensory onslaught or all encompassing experience that is spring!! .

The smells can't be translated,,, the feeling of warmth on one's face and contrasting cool breeze.....beyond description..   

 The sound of doves, turkeys, bluebirds, hawks, woodpeckers, hummingbirds, and too many other birds to list, all above the whisper of the trees, and at the same time it is serenely quiet

The flowers and those that visit them, everywhere you turn. Color form and shape assault the eyes 

.....Magical is the only word I can use to describe days like these

April 7, 2011

Now Showing......

Though it's snowing today,

Nothing can stop spring

once it has begun,

The ground seems to be shaking

with things bursting out!

And for those of you

Who can't make it here,

I'll keep you posted

as to what's going on.

With Open weekend upon us Though I'd put up some pics to wet your appetite, and don't forget the Table mountain wild flowers are exceptional this year, you really should make a trip up here!